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Het neutraliteitsbeginsel inzake btw: analyse van de "European Commission's Green Paper on the Future of VAT."
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Gent : s.n.,

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Onderzoeksvraag: “In welke mate beantwoordt het huidige btw-stelsel aan het beginsel van de neutraliteit en op welke manier komt dit beginsel voor in het Groenboek en de Mededeling van de Europese Commissie?”

Horizontal tax coordination
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789087221553 9789087221560 Year: 2012 Publisher: Amsterdam IBFD

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This book is the result of a research project entitled “Horizontal Tax Coordination within the EU and within States” that was conducted by the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business). The aim of this project was to examine the role court judgments have played in the framework of tax harmonization in federal states and how decisive this impact was. In this respect the participants took also a closer look at ECJ case law and how it may be compared to other jurisdictions where federal fiscal structures exist, such as the United States, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Russia, Mexico, Brazil, India and Australia. The judgments of the various courts were contrasted with each other in order to learn more about the impact on harmonization in the field of tax law. From these findings conclusions for the purpose of EU tax policy were drawn.

Dialogen tussen recht en samenleving : een handboek over het rechtssociologisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789033487941 Year: 2012 Volume: *11 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Anders dan bij juristen, die zich toeleggen op het bestuderen, interpreteren en toepassen van geldende regels, gaat de aandacht van rechtssociologen uit naar het functioneren van deze regels in hun sociale context. De klemtoon van de rechtssociologie ligt op de law in action and the living law: de vraagstelling richt zich op de verhouding tussen en de wederzijdse beïnvloeding van het recht en de samenleving. Vanuit een extern en empirisch perspectief worden vragen gesteld zoals 'Welke factoren zijn van invloed op de effectiviteit van wetten?', 'Wat bepaalt of een conflict uiteindelijk voor de rechter wordt uitgevochten?', 'Welke zijn de vooren nadelen van alternatieve geschillenbeslechting?'. Kortom, rechtssociologie gaat over de wederzijdse interactie van recht en samenleving, over de dialoog tussen beide. Tot op heden bestaat er geen overzicht van de rechtssociologische bevindingen van eigen bodem. Vanuit dit besef groeide het interuniversitair project van deze reader. De reader geeft een state of the art weer door een overzicht te schetsen van het Belgische rechtssociologisch onderzoek, voornamelijk uit het laatste decennium. De rechtssociologische benadering wordt toegelicht aan de hand van tien typerende onderwerpen en bevat uitgebreide bibliografieën van relevante Belgische publicaties

The contested politics of mobility : borderzones and irregularity
ISBN: 9780415584616 0415584612 9780203839829 020383982X 9780415538367 041553836X 1136887334 1283043661 9786613043665 9781136887284 9781136887321 9781136887338 Year: 2012 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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Irregular migration has emerged as an issue of intensive political debate and governmental practice over recent years. Critically intervening in debates around the governing of irregular migration, The Contested Politics of Mobility explores the politics of mobility through what is defined as an 'analytic of irregularity'. It brings together authors who address issues of mobility and irregularity from a range of distinct perspectives, to focus on the politics of control as well as the politics of migration. The volume develops an account of irregularity as a produced, ambivalent and contested socio-political condition, showing how this is activated through wide-ranging 'borderzones' that pull between migration and control. Covering cases from across contemporary North America and Europe and examining a range of control mechanisms, such as biometrics, deportation and workplace raiding, the volume refuses the term 'illegal' to describe movements of people across borders. In so doing, it highlights the complexity of relations between different regions and between a politics of migration and a politics control, and makes a timely intervention in the intersecting fields of critical citizenship, migration and security studies--Cover.

ECJ - Recent Developments in Direct Taxation.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783707320879 Year: 2012 Publisher: Wien Linde Verlag

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The European Court of Justice and the autonomy of the member states
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789400000261 940000026X 9781780681139 1780681135 Year: 2012 Publisher: Cambridge Antwerp Portland Intersentia

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Whereas individual Member State governments of the European Union occasionally complain about judgments of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), especially when those judgments curtail that State's policy autonomy in a sensitive domain, the collectivity of the Member State governments have agreed in each treaty revision so far to confirm and extend the far-reaching powers which the ECJ possesses for enforcing EU law. The explanation of the paradox can only be that, deep down, the Member States of the EU remain convinced that an effective ECJ with strong enforcement powers is one of the salient features of EU law which have stood the test of time and feel no inclination to clip the wings of the ECJ for fear that this would affect the effectiveness of the European integration process. Nevertheless, the grumblings about single judgments, or about the consistency and direction of the ECJ in particular policy fields, have never ceased and indeed have become more audible in recent years. This book - now available in paperback - deals with the perception that the ECJ quite often does not leave sufficient autonomy to the Member States in developing their own legal and policy choices in areas where European and national competences overlap.


Conflict of laws --- Jurisdiction --- Court of Justice of the European Communities --- Court of Justice of the European Communities. --- European Communities --- cour de justice europeenne --- 341.645.542 --- europees hof van justitie --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- 341.645.542 Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg. --- 341.17 EU --- Choice of law --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- International private law --- Private international law --- Law --- Legal polycentricity --- 341.17 EU Europese Unie--vv {341.17 EC} vanaf 1995--EU --- Europese Unie--vv {341.17 EC} vanaf 1995--EU --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen. EC Hof van Justitie.Europese Hof van Justitie eerste aanleg --- Civil law --- Cour de justice des communautés européennes --- Gerichtshof der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- Corte di giustizia delle comunità europee --- Dikastērion tēs Europaikēs Oikonomikēs Koinotētos --- Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas --- GHEG --- European Atomic Energy Community. --- European Economic Community. --- European Court of Justice --- Europäischer Gerichtshof --- Curtea de Justiție a Comunităților Europene --- Ōshū Shihō Saibansho --- G.H.E.G. --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades Europeias --- Sud evropeĭskikh soobshchestv --- Avrupa Toplulukları Adalet Divanı --- Tribunal de Justiça das Comunidades --- Curia Communitatum Europaearum --- Eurōpaiko Dikastērio --- Dikastērio Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- DEK --- EuGH --- ECJ --- D.E.K. --- Europejski Trybunał Sprawiedliwości --- ETS --- Dikastērio tōn Eurōpaikōn Koinotētōn --- CEJ --- European Union. --- European Coal and Steel Community. --- Court of Justice of the European Union --- European law --- Európai Bíróság --- Conflict of laws - Jurisdiction - European Union countries --- Droit international --- Communautés européennes. Cour de justice --- Pays de l'Union européenne

La procédure
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20302452 ISBN: 9782804452780 Year: 2012 Volume: *1 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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Le présent livre analyse les aspects de procédure des deux lois du 6 avril 2010 concernant les pratiques du marché et la protection du consommateur. Les principaux acquis des règles de procédure de la précédente loi sur les pratiques du commerce ont été maintenus. L’auteur étudie de manière systématique l’action en cessation et les différentes étapes de la procédure. L’action pénale basée sur les pratiques du commerce fait également l’objet d’une analyse approfondie. L’ouvrage est destiné aux praticiens du droit, les avocats, les magistrats et les juristes d’entreprise. Il constitue la deuxième édition du volume ‘Procédure’ publié dans la même collection, et qui traitait de la précédente loi sur les pratiques du commerce et les modifications intervenues en 2007. L'auteur a publié chez le même éditeur un ouvrage similaire en néerlandais intitulé « De Wet Marktpraktijken : procedure en sancties ». Cette étude est donc accessible pour les juristes du nord et du sud du pays.

Les infractions de droit pénal social
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789046542736 9046542734 Year: 2012 Volume: 2012/2 Publisher: Mechelen Kluwer

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1. La nouvelle classification et une réécriture des infractions - 2. Les infractions - 3. La procédure - 4. Le conseil consultatif du droit pénal social - Conclusion - Bibliographie succincte - Appendice : mise à jour du premier volet de la trilogie

La jurisprudence européenne en matière de T.V.A. - Répertoire de jurisprudence
ISSN: 20306571 ISBN: 9782804453251 2804453251 Year: 2012 Publisher: Brussel Larcier

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